Arketa Forms: Streamline Lead Capture and Client Information Management

Incorporating Arketa’s Intake and Lead Forms into your daily operations, you’ll streamline your lead capture, enhance client experiences, and ensure that the information you gather is actionable. With powerful customization options, seamless integrations, and analytics, Arketa empowers you to grow your wellness business with ease. Read on to learn how to use them in your business.

Product updates
October 8, 2024

Arketa Forms: Streamline Lead Capture and Client Information Management

At Arketa, we understand that wellness business owners—whether running a yoga studio, Pilates class, or hosting retreats—need tools that simplify operations, attract new clients, and provide excellent client experiences. That’s why we’re excited to introduce Arketa’s customizable Intake and Lead Forms, designed to help wellness businesses collect the right information with ease, increase lead generation, and elevate your clients' experience.

What Are Lead Forms?

Lead forms are digital forms that collect information from potential customers (leads) who express interest in your business, products, or services. Typically, they ask for details like a lead’s name, email address, phone number, and specific preferences or needs. The information collected helps businesses qualify and follow up with leads in a personalized manner.

What Are Intake Forms?

Intake forms, on the other hand, are designed to capture client information before a class, appointment, or event. These forms help businesses gather critical details such as: Injury history, experience level in specific classes, special needs or preferences, and personalized data, like shoe size for spin studios or other gear-related details.

These intake forms can be customized for each class offering and embedded directly into the booking process. For instance, when a client signs up for a spin class, they can fill out an intake form that asks for shoe size and preferred bike settings, ensuring a tailored experience as soon as they arrive. For private sessions, an intake form might ask about injury history or specific goals to personalize the session.

Capture More Leads and Gather Key Information

Whether you're collecting sign-ups for a new retreat, gathering personal preferences before a one-on-one session, or tracking potential clients at a pop-up event, Arketa’s Intake and Lead Forms empower you to collect crucial information, wherever and whenever needed. Our forms are designed to be as flexible as your business:

- Embed forms on your website, share them via dynamic links, or add them directly to your class sign-up process

- Capture the right information at the right moment with custom intake fields tailored to your business

- This seamless lead capture tool helps you grow your client base while improving the quality of the information you collect

Customize to Fit Your Business Needs

No two businesses are the same, and that’s why Arketa Forms are completely customizable. Our Form Builder allows you to design forms that align perfectly with your brand and collect the specific data you need:

- Add as many fields as you want, including drop-down menus, short answers, checkboxes, client birthday, client shipping address, and more to personalize your intake forms and capture relevant information.

- Easily style your forms with your brand colors and fonts, ensuring that every aspect of the form feels cohesive with your business.

- Whether you need to gather detailed health information for a private class, or simply collect email addresses from new clients, Arketa gives you the flexibility to design forms that meet your exact needs—quickly and intuitively.

Seamless Integration and Automation to Arketa Marketing Suite

Beyond capturing information, Arketa’s Forms are built to integrate directly into your business workflows. Once a form is submitted, client data is automatically organized and tagged, allowing you to manage leads efficiently and improve client follow-up:

- Automatically tag clients based on the form source and add them to custom automations.

- Easily link forms to a client’s profile, giving you a holistic view of each client's needs, preferences, and history.

- Add custom lifecycle stages to track leads and create custom lead sources for your business.

For example, if a client fills out a form indicating interest in a teacher training program, Arketa will automatically assign a the lead source and lifecycle stage connected to your form. This makes tracking your lead sources and understanding your business growth simple and intuitive.

Real-World Examples: How Wellness Businesses Use Arketa Forms

Wondering how your business might use Arketa’s forms? Here are some practical examples:

Before a Private Session: A client booking a private session will fill out a custom intake form to provide info like their experience level, injury history, and goals. This data is automatically added to their profile, helping instructors tailor the session to the client’s needs.

Presales and Upselling: Whether launching a new studio or promoting additional services like nutrition coaching, Arketa’s forms can help you build interest even before you make a sale, providing an easy way to initiate conversations and upsell clients.

Retreat Center: Hosting a wellness retreat? Arketa’s forms can collect interest from participants via a form embedded on the retreat’s website or shared via dynamic links on social media. The data is automatically sorted into lead stages for seamless organization.

Teacher Training Programs: When promoting a teacher training, you can send out a form link through social media or email, collecting certifications, availability, and experience. The responses are tagged to each client’s profile for easy categorization.

Partnerships with Local Businesses: Partner with local businesses like coffee shops by creating a form with a QR code. Place it on their counter, and potential clients can scan it to register for an offer. The form will tag each lead source, so you know which businesses are driving the most referrals.

Free Guide Paywalls: Offer a free downloadable guide on your website, requiring clients to fill out a form before accessing it. You capture their contact information while giving value—and track which leads came from the guide.

Get started today and see how Arketa’s customizable Intake and Lead Forms can transform the way you capture and manage leads!

Want to learn more about this and other great Arketa features? Check out our FAQ page or book a demo today.

Arketa has revolutionized the way I run my wellness studio. Saving me valuable time that I can now dedicate to my clients.

Jane Houseman
Fitness Studio

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