Empowered Yoga’s Data-Driven Success with Arketa’s Marketing Suite

Empowered Yoga Studio grew their revenue using Arketa's Marketing Suite and data-driven analytics. Arketa's analytics improved efficiency in making informed studio decisions and the Marketing Suite increased client conversions and retention, contributing significantly to the studio's growth.

Case studies
September 17, 2024

About Empowered Yoga Studio:

Empowered Yoga Studio, co-founded by Rachel Hirsch, is a community-focused yoga studio with two Los Angeles locations in Venice and West Adams. The studio has become known for its welcoming environment where clients are encouraged to explore movement through various practices in their semi-traditional studio. Rachel and her team discovered Arketa through their network and were intrigued by and eager to support a female founded platform.

The Challenge: Finding a Data-Driven Software with Tailored Marketing Capabilities

Empowered Yoga Studio was trying to expand while facing several operational and marketing challenges. As a data-driven business, Rachel needed accurate insights to make informed decisions about pricing, marketing, scheduling, and membership offerings. “I care a lot about data. I care about the numbers being accurate so that we can make really informed decisions for the business,” Rachel explained.

Additionally, Rachel wanted a user-friendly platform that would eliminate friction for clients when signing up for classes. She had previously worked with platforms like Mindbody and ClubReady, but found them lacking in both ease of use and the depth of data available. On top of these challenges, Empowered struggled with a disjointed marketing process that relied on multiple platforms, making their marketing effort time consuming and expensive.

I cannot hype up Arketa Marketing Suite enough. Before Arketa, we were using 6 different connected softwares for our email campaigns... It’s the six different platforms all rolled into one.

Solution: Data-Informed Marketing Campaigns on Arketa’s Marketing Suite

With Arketa’s analytics dashboard, Rachel had accurate insights into client behavior, allowing her to tailor marketing campaigns that resonated with her audience. The pre-built automation playbooks that Arketa provides made it easy to create a tailored series of emails, text messages, and follow-up tasks, driving engagement and increasing class bookings without adding manual work. With Arketa’s Playbooks, Rachel can set up intuitive, fitness-specific triggers, such as sending a follow-up email after a new client’s first class or re-engaging clients who haven’t booked recently or have canceled their membership.

“The Arketa playbooks for the Marketing Suite are top notch. They took the thinking and stress right out of it. Normally, you have to manually create these automations, but the playbooks have everything set up for you.”

Arketa’s analytics helped Rachel confidently make decisions for her business. “The dashboard gives me daily insight into what’s going on. We now offer more of certain classes because of the information. Maybe we had gut instincts, but we were able to go to the Arketa dashboard to reinforce what we thought.” she noted. This data didn’t just enhance operational efficiency—it directly informed revenue decisions.

The Results: Higher Conversions Since Transferring to Arketa

The combination of Arketa’s analytics dashboard with its marketing suite improved operational efficiency and marketing. “We’re seeing the impact of our intro offer automation turn directly into dollars for our studio,” Rachel observed. The ability to track client engagement and conversion rates in real-time allowed them to run campaigns that led to increased revenue.

With Arketa, Empowered Yoga Studio now runs more efficiently, engages its clients more effectively, and continues to grow. “I can’t recommend the Marketing Suite enough… If you’re contemplating switching to Arketa, this is the perfect reason to. It streamlines our sales process and every communication you have with your consumer,” Rachel concluded.

Arketa has revolutionized the way I run my wellness studio. Saving me valuable time that I can now dedicate to my clients.

Jane Houseman
Fitness Studio

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